Hi everyone. So, my whole backwards 2468 thing worked out well enough. But I'm just so afraid of falling off of it. I'm going to stick to this, starting tomorrow, Monday, January 22. And I'll keep following it until I reach my goal weight. Soon as I'm done typing this, I'm going to continue my nightly workout routine until I go to bed, whether that's at 1am or whatever. I won't go outside, though...It's scary and dark out there. Very cold and icy, too.
Did I ever tell you, I'm afraid of the dark? It puts me in an odd predicament, since I don't much like the light, either.
Either way. I'm going to start this up tomorrow. Starting on Day 1: 400 kcal. I can totally do this. With this, and my cardio, and my crunches and push ups (I want everything smaller...including the boobs. Back problems galore, fat or not.)
And...Here's something to listen to, if this post bored you. I love this song.