I work at the Renaissance Festival not-so-near me. I run with children all day long when my left leg allows it, I dance every morning, and it's rare for me to eat more than a little even on these days when it's a sure thing that my stomach will be growling.
I had a wooden bowl that I used during these times, a large square bowl. I rarely used the thing, myself, but instead I shared it with whoever had no bowl to themselves or perhaps even forgot it. Back in 2009, it usually held my meager food along with meals for two other people.
This year, a tiny Asian girl I work with in my area, took a look at my bowl and immediately made cracks about my weight and how much I eat. "Aye, this one can really put it away," she said first, and poked at my stomach through my bodice.
I found a much smaller bowl that I can barely fit anything into, and I've started using this thing to hold my food during the day. It barely holds anything at all, so even when I have something small it looks like I'm eating a lot. Maybe I should just get rid of having a bowl altogether and just keep a cup for water, even there.
I'm very far from done. I'm starting the salt water flush tonight.
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