Saturday, January 21, 2012

I thought we'd escape...

Hi everyone. So, my whole backwards 2468 thing worked out well enough. But I'm just so afraid of falling off of it. I'm going to stick to this, starting tomorrow, Monday, January 22. And I'll keep following it until I reach my goal weight. Soon as I'm done typing this, I'm going to continue my nightly workout routine until I go to bed, whether that's at 1am or whatever. I won't go outside, though...It's scary and dark out there. Very cold and icy, too.

Did I ever tell you, I'm afraid of the dark? It puts me in an odd predicament, since I don't much like the light, either.

Either way. I'm going to start this up tomorrow. Starting on Day 1: 400 kcal. I can totally do this. With this, and my cardio, and my crunches and push ups (I want everything smaller...including the boobs. Back problems galore, fat or not.)

And...Here's something to listen to, if this post bored you. I love this song.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Today. Is. Awesome. Today I started doing a reverse of the 2468 diet, starting at 800 calories. Tomorrow will be 600, Wednesday will be 400, and Thursday will be 200, and Friday I'll fast before indulging in a lovely 300 on Saturday.

So, you wanna hear how my day went? I woke up and nibbled on two frozen waffles after toasting them and putting nothing on them. That was 130 calories. I was still a little peckish, even after taking my new acai diet pills (Love you mommy~ Thanks for the drugs! No, seriously, thanks!), so I nibbled on half a serving of pretzels to stave off the dizziness they bring me. That brought me up to 210, total.

My ex-boyfriend came over, so we played video games for a while and smoked hookah while watching random Tim Burton films - so of course I didn't eat while he was around. I hate eating around people, which rocks. He was a boost to my self esteem, too - while he was here, I ended up getting random cuddles. Yay <3. While he was over, all I had was an Arizona iced tea with lemon, which was 270 by itself. That's only 480, which leaves me with 320 left before I finish for the day!

I just got done popping some popcorn, which will be 105 70 calories for the entire bag. My goodness. I still have 215 240 calories for the evening, and it's getting late. Eee~ I'm so proud of myself today. Tomorrow might be a little harder, but maybe if I eat the same thing as today, but without the Arizona iced tea (I'm out of them, I pawned my Arnold Palmer off on my ex when he came over. They're...Sort of a guilty pleasure of mine.), and maybe replace it with a bowl of cereal, I'll be a little below the 600. I don't know yet, I'm going to plan out my meals for the rest of the week.

EDIT: I measured out the popcorn that actually popped. There's only two cups, instead of three like the box says there should be...Which means I've got 240 calories left today. 35 more than I thought. Eeee~

So far I'm thinking I might not even have to purge this week. Awesome, because I haaate purging~