Saturday, October 8, 2011

This is technically day 6.

Starvation is control.
Control is tough.
Bones are beautiful
When thin is not enough.
Day 6: 650 calories.

Afternoon (Slept in): 1 cup of spaghetti. 190.
Supper: 1/2 cup french fries (55), 1 bun, and 1/2 a venison burger. (Total 110 cal. It was a really small bun.)
Condiments: 1/2 tbsp mayo (22.5), 1 tbsp ketchup (20)
Evening: 1 small apple (currently eating). (40)
Snacks: 2 slices fresh baked italian bread. (180)

My total for the day comes to 617.5 calories for the day. Woo!

I want to look down and see this.

Am I ever going to look like the size 4?
Life is going to be so much easier once my dad goes back to work. I won't have to worry about him making me eat his dinners. Nothing against him...Just...His food tastes too good to just waste. That's why the second burger he threw on my plate is sitting in the fridge, wrapped up in cling wrap and prepared the same way as today's burger was. I can't bring myself to just throw it out. ...Maybe I should, though. I have lemons, and apples, and pancake mix, and soba and cha soba noodles, and PLENTY of tea! And natural honey, too! Hm. I think I might only end up eating a quarter of this apple and making some tea...

And tomorrow night, if I behave, I get to dye my hair black again! I'm going to try writing out an actual meal plan for tomorrow using my soba noodles. Only half of what I have though, one serving is 200 calories...>.>; Bah humbug.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Oh crap. Oh snuff.

It's 12:39 pm right now, and I just woke up. I just woke up, and I want food. Not, "I'm hungry and my stomach hurts", no. I just *want* food, particularly chocolate. I don't need it, and I know I don't, and yet I want it so badly still. UGH. This is annoying. I don't want to eat 'til supper, and then even only have a little to eat. I hate cravings for sweet.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Skinny Girl, Coming Right Up!

Day 1: Smashing success, if I do say so myself.
This morning, I had a tiny, tiny apple. So tiny, in fact, that it barely took up half the palm of my hand. It rounded up to be about 10 calories.
This afternoon, I munched on ten miniature rice cakes, which put me up at 90 calories total.

I came home, after bumming a dollar off a friend for a bottle of cold water, to the scent of taco meat. Not just any taco meat, but venison, which only has 30 calories per ounce! I splurged on two ounces of venison, two taco shells, (250 there), half a serving of cheese (+60), accented with lettuce, tomato, a bit of onion, and some delicious habanero sauce.

90 + 250 + 70 = 160 + 250 = 410. I only went over by 10 calories! And I haven't even done my nightly exercises! I'm going to KILL those 10 extra calories, and then some.

Today is a new day! A new day, with Panda slowly breaking through her fat shell into the bright world as a beautiful, fat-free Fox!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Testing! Today my food is lettuce, tomato, chicken broth, and MAYBE noodles and a lemon.